Dating Of Navy Orders Ww2

Dating Of Navy Orders Ww2

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Dating Of Navy Orders Ww2

Terms used in Military Slang. Military slang, or informal military terms, are colloquial terms used commonly by military personnel - often as abbreviations or derivations of the NATO Phonetic Alphabet, or otherwise incorporating aspects of formal military concepts and terms. Military, for the purposes of this article means armed forces (i. Some of these terms have been considered derogatory to varying degrees and attempts have been made to eliminate them.

World War II (often abbreviated to WWII or WW2), also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945, although related conflicts began. Wondering what life’s like in the Navy? Our comprehensive guide showcases life on a submarine, life in a squadron and life on a ship.

English language military slang includes phrases such as: 0 - 9. US Marines) An Infantryman. Officially 0. 30.

Dating Of Navy Orders Ww2

Bang- Bang or 1. 1 Bush(US Army) An infantryman. Officially . Pronounced as twelve- oh- six. B(Singapore) Also known as an SAF 1.

Yahoo!-ABC News Network . All rights reserved. US Navy reveals boat mounted laser that can shoot down drones, boats and even doubles as a 'Hubble telescope on the water' laser surveillance system - and it is. French medals, French Orders,France,croix de guerre,Legion d'honneur,Legion of Honor,Medaille Militaire,Military medal,french WW1 medal,French WW2 medals. People like Jocko, in higher echelons of combat military personnel are far more adept and likely to be able to move on from the stresses of combat.

B. Military identification card. Singapore Armed Forces. Pronounced as eleven- bee. US Army) Another name for the MRE beef franks. Used because they taste like death and there are four of them. Mike- Mike (US Army, US Marines) 4. M2. 03 grenade launcher, often mounted underneath an M- 1.

Day Wonder Newly- commissioned (O- 1) graduate of Officer Candidate School or DIRCOM (Direct Commissioning) program. Derogatory. 9. 6- B (US Army) An Intelligence Analyst; Pronounced '9. Bravo' from the MOS code system.

AA- Gang(US Navy) Auxiliary division onboard a ship or submarine. Also, 'Air Force gloves'. Compare with 'Bundeswehr gloves', below. African golf(US, obsolete) White officer's term for craps, for its popularity among black troops. Ali Baba (UK, US and Iraq) During the Iraq war, name for insurgents, local thieves and looters. Alfa Mike Foxtrot(Infantry) . When used in garrison it is a friendly farewell.

Pejorative Acronym. Archie (British, WW1) Antiaircraft (gun or fire; in plural, guns)armored cow (AUS, WW2) Canned milk. ARMY(US Marines) Aren't Ready for Marines Yet.

Pejorative Acronym. Army banjo (Australian Army, WW1- 1. Entrenching tool. Army strawberries (AUS, WW2) Prunes. Army's Lawn Dart (US) UH- 6. Black Hawk helicopter. Aptly named for its inability to stay in the air.

Also Known as a . Pronounced . See profile.

A- farts(US, 1. 97. Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS)Bbag(Canada) Term used to denote the uselessness of a soldier, as in a . Military issued eyeglasses, noted for. BCCT(Singapore) Basic Close Combat Training.

Company- level combat training. US) The general term for all types of supplies.

US) Slang for . BEAT YOUR FACE! The variants BFN or Bum Fuck Nowhere are used in the same sense. BFR (US) Big fucking rock. Sometimes used as a reference point on tactical radios: . Refers to the wrench used on generators to tighten the grounding nut. BGB (US Navy and Marines) Big Gray Boat.

Refers to large ships, e. See profile and ATTN C.

Big Chicken Dinner(US) Bad Conduct Discharge, the less severe of the two types of punitive discharge that may be awarded by court martial (the more severe being a dishonorable discharge) . Big Red One (US Army, WWII) The First Infantry Division, so noted for the unit insignia of a single red 1. Big Red Pig (U. S.

Coast Guard) Derogatory/affectionate term for Icebreakers, which are painted red for visibility. Big White One(US Coast Guard) A 3.

High Endurance Cutter, the largest . Used ironically in reference to use as a mode of transport. Involves covering the head and arms of the target with a. UK) Any storeman (even if he doesn't deal with blankets) .

Also applied to the Royal Logistic Corps in general, even though their duties include everything from catering to bomb- disposal as well as storekeeping. France) A recruit.(the) Block(US Army, 1. Civilian life before enlisting. Bloody Buckets(US) Members of the 2.

Infantry Division, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, whose division insignia is a red keystone. Bloggins(Canada) Name used to show examples during lectures (ie.

Bloggins just violated the ROEs)Bloods and Crips (US Army) a group of soldiers who are habitually injured, see Sickcall Rangerbloodstripes (US Marines) The hazing practice of kicking a newly promoted. Suggested by the sound it made upon firing. DCA(US Navy) A snipe hunt (see 'pad- eye cleaner') that new sub.

DCA is a person- -the Damage Controls Assistant, a junior officer. US) . Pejorative. US Navy, Marines) Anyone who has served above the Arctic Circle or has participated in a ceremony similar to the Shellback ceremony (See Shellback)blue force (US Army or Air Force) The friendly force, the opposite of the Op. For. blue on blue contact (US and UK) A friendly fire incident.

US Air Force) A general term for active duty Air Force personnel, often used when distinguishing between a mixed environment of Air Force active duty and Department of Defense civilians and contractors. US Air Force) A pair of airmen who frequently leave base together in their dress blues during training. BMO (US, 1. 99. 1 Persian Gulf War) Black Moving Object, or a woman in a burkha.

Navy) A submarine. Naval Aviation) A ship on which aircraft is landed.

This is a Singlish mispronunciation of . Probably derived from Sawbones. US) A new join to a particular unit, probably coming from Boot. Camp (see below).

This person often has an overly enthusiastic yet. US Navy and Marines) Initial training of new recruits.

Booter(US) ; Bootnecks, Booties : (UK) Royal. Marines, from the leather stock they used to wear around their necks. Leathernecks for the USMC). US) Originally comes from the US Air Force, where it was slang for.

KIA G. I. The M1. US and UK) Top- ranking officers; The Powers That Be. Bravo Zulu (Worldwide Navies) Means 'Well Done'. Comes from the Allied Naval Signal Book, conveyed by flag hoist or voice radio. Canada) Helmet. brain sponge (US) Any combat hat that does not provide protection.

A Boonie hat)brig rat(US Navy and Marines) Describes a sailor or Marine who often frequents the brig (military jail) , typically as a prisoner. US) A soldier with a medical condition that would hinder the. US Air Force) Anything that is broken or needing repair or maintenance. Speed Dating In Central London.

US Army) Army talk for 'sweep' . Used in the similar sense that you mop with a mop, hence, you broom with a broom. RAF) Member of the British Army, from the khaki uniforms.

Brown Water Navy (US) The fleet of PT boats that patrolled the rivers and coasts of Vietnam during the Vietnam War, so noted for the mud- brown color of the water. When the Air Force. Army at that time. In air. exercises, it is common to . This causes the targeted aircraft's defense systems to warn.

For. example: Suppose you were fighting in an exercise as blue air with. If you got notification on your. RWR that an aircraft had locked you, you would want to know if it was. So you might call out . Buckshee equipment or ammunition is outside. The origin and nature of the stores.

BUFF (US) Big Ugly Fat Fucker. Slang for the B- 5. Stratofortress. Buffer (UK and Canada) Chief Bosun's Mate, Senior Boatswain (Seamanship. Chief Petty. Officer. Bug Company (USN) : In boot camp, a company (group) of recruits who are. Generally the individuals who make up these companies.

Also, regular Army reference to the USMC. Bull Ensign(US Navy) Senior junior officer of the rank of Ensign (o- 1) in a. The bull Ensign often is tasked by the Commanding. Officer with unsavory tasks that other junior officers would rather.

Bull Nuke (US Navy Submarine Service) Senior enlisted man within the. Engineering Division onboard a submarine, usually a Senior Chief or. Master Chief Petty Officer (E- 8/9) . Bum Chum (US, Canada) Pejorative term for a naval seaman.

Refers to the stereotypical seaman's homosexuality. UK) Paperwork, especially useless paperwork; comes from bum fodder (i. Allied Signals Book (ATP 1) for . In Canada, term also used to indicate youth cadets of. Pejorative. cadink (US Air Force) Slang term for an officer cadet.

Slightly less pejorative than . Not to be. confused with the all- metal . What are referred to as . Used when referring to the Academy in a derogatory manner. US) An artilleryman. Also a Coast Guard Gunner's Mate. US) (formerly) An infantryman sent into battle with the expectation that he will be killed.

Canoe U The United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. Jocular when used by graduates, pejorative when used by outsiders.

Captain Jack(US) Is the military equivalent to the civilian Jodies in cadences, and always a tough guy. Illustrated in the song lyrics: . With your knife in your hand, I'm gonna be a fightin' man. Pronounced . Used during the Vietnam War as a general term for the Vietcong or the Vietnamese people. Charlie Foxtrot See clusterfuck.

Charlie Mike (US) NATO phonetic alphabet for . A. minimum security, military prison for lesser offenses, which is. Sentences to the CCF are. Article 1. 5 and are generally not. Differentiated from The Stockade which is much like a civilian prison and houses serious offenders awaiting transport to Fort Leavenworth. US) Manual field artillery firing calculationscheesedick 1. To have a new Marine search for obviously non- existent batteries for chemical light sticks.

US) Another term to describe a new join. US) Another term to describe ribbons or medals that are worn. It can be pejorative or appreciative, depending on usage. US) See ate up. Chewbacca (US) Comes from . Also known as . Also, a section leader. US Army, and a familiar term for Chief Master Sergeant, the.

US Air Force. Chief of Smoke (US) The senior enlisted man of an artillery battery, after the First Sergeant. Named after the ship's waste system (Collection. Holding, and Transfer (CHT) systems) .

Pronounced . Generally pejorative, when. CIU (Canada) Civilian In Uniform, Person using the CF (Canadian Forces). Serviceclearing barrel A promiscuous female soldier, referring to the red, sand filled. Extremely derogatory.

An ironic play on . In semi- polite company this is referred to as.

Charlie Foxtrot (from the NATO phonetic alphabet) . Also used as slang to describe the . Obviously a reference to US fastfood icon Colonel Sanders. Colonel Sanders Award (US Army) See . From the term for a ladder or staircase aboard a ship.

Contrails (USAF Academy) Fourth Class Cadet (SMACK) book of military knowledge that is memorized during the fourth class year.

Dating Of Navy Orders Ww2
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