Inca ice maiden frozen after human sacrifice still has infection in her lungs. First time infection has been diagnosed in ancient body. New technique could be used to study diseases such as Spanish flu. Could be used to prevent re- emergence of deadly diseases of past. Study on 5. 00- year- old mummy frozen on Argentinean volcano. By. Rob Waugh. Published.
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The analysis was possible because of the incredible preservation of the mummy, which is so well- preserved there were still lice in her hair. The team swabbed the lips of two. Andean Inca mummies, buried at 2. Russian Girls Hot Images. The view from the summit of Llullaillaco volcano where the children were found. The children were plucked from these slopes in 1. Child sacrifice was called capacocha. A mummified body of a child who was killed during one such sacrifice is pictured here.
THE ICE MAIDEN: MYSTERY OF THE THREE UNIQUE MUMMIES FOUND FROZEN HIGH IN THE ANDESAlong with the remains of two younger children, the teenager was plucked. There, the archaeologists spotted a rectangular walled area, dug down. Incan. burial platform. One of the team was lowered headfirst into the icy pit, his colleagues. But it was the state of the bodies, preserved not by embalming, like. Egyptian mummies, but simply by the natural deep- freeze in which they.
They found that the protein profile. In addition, X- rays of the lungs of the Maiden showed signs of lung infection at the time of death.
The mummies were found in 1. It was considered a. The place of sacrifice: The burial site of the three children on top of Llullaillaco Volcano. Ritual killings were common within the Incan culture. In 1. 99. 9 three Children of Llullaillaco, who found deep frozen were found with an extraordinary collection of elaborate gold, silver and shell statues, textiles and pots containing food The children included a 1.
Llullaillaco Maiden'The Incas believed that by scaling. Detecting diseases in ancient remains is often fraught with difficulty, especially because of contamination. Techniques based on microbe DNA can.
Angelique Corthals of the. John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York, found.
They used proteomics, focusing on. DNA remains, to profile immune system response from. Proteomics, DNA, and x- rays from another mummy found together with the Maiden did not show signs of respiratory infection.'Our study is the first of its kind since rather than looking for the pathogen, which is notoriously difficult to do in historical samples, we are looking at the immune system protein profile of the.