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Ten Ways to Handle Saturn in Sagittarius . I understand. Saturn rules lead. It can feel like you are being dumped on, or squashed flat.

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Saturn also flattens us out – so we are flat on the bed, or . If we are men, we can’t get it up. If we are women, we can’t get out of the house. At the moment, Saturn is in Sagittarius. So how is it affecting your horoscope and what can you do about that? It can feel like being in a Waiting Room for a year or two.

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But there are ways forward. Ultimately, what you are forced to do on your Saturn Cycle (assuming you have done a lot of research) is always right. In fact, it will ultimately change your life for the better.

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But – let’s not gloss over this. It’s tough. Saturn is not the only indicator for down times in astrology. It is among the best- known, though. You will know if you are dealing with Saturn in your chart, if you are around people, organisations or situations which feel stuck or slow. Heavy or leaden. They are hard (perhaps impossible) to shift.

Here is one thing you can do for yourself, right now. You can give yourself the luxury of more time to deal with this. Allow time to drift by. Do not pressure yourself. This will take as long as it takes. And this too, shall pass.

DEALING WITH SATURNYour Sun Sign horoscope, or solar chart, shows the headlines of your life. What is publicly and obviously happening to you! It’s an accurate guide to the . It started on September 1. December 2. 0th, 2. ARIES – Publishing, books, writers and websites. Academia, education, lecturers, students and graduates.

Travel, foreigners and foreign people. Regional differences. Religious, spiritual or philosophical differences. Beliefs of all kinds, including astrology. TAURUS – Life insurance. Investments. Accountants.

Insider Trading. The economy. Credit cards. Precious possessions. Charity. GEMINI – Husbands. Girlfriends. Love rivals. Business partners. The opposition. Legal conflicts. Professional partners.

Double acts. One- on- one situations. CANCER – Drugs. The mind, body and spirit connection. The skeleton. The nervous system. Unpaid work. Routine. LEO – Pregnancy. Godchildren. Contraception. Termination.

Illegitimate children. Serious lovers. Grandchildren. Step- parenthood.

Paid/unpaid youth work. VIRGO – Mortgages. Property investment. Renovations. Your country. Your home town. Planning permission.

Your household. LIBRA – The internet. Your telephone. Academic journals. Short haul travel. SCORPIO – Savings. Credit cards. Offshore banking. Settlements. Possessions. The economy. Your company.

SAGITTARIUS – Your reputation. Your personal appearance. Your public face.

Your identity. Packaging, presentation and profile – particularly online. Microphones. Self- promotion. Advertising. CAPRICORN – Skeletons in the closet. What you cover up and hide. Classified information. Dark secrets. Confidential concerns. Any role you play behind the scenes, where you are virtually invisible.

Your unconscious mind. Mediumship. AQUARIUS – Friends. Ensemble casts. Political, environmental, animal welfare and other organisations. Social media. Your community. Bridesmaids, or any other group. Movements, like feminism. PISCES – Career. University/College.

Your Curriculum Vitae or Resume. The phrase . Your mission in life.

Your vocation. Your full- time job as parent. Climbing to the top.

This is the public, obvious, visible side of your Saturn cycle in 2. There is also a deeply personal, private story going on, which only your personal birth chart will reveal. The Saturn scythe (look sideways) forms the glyph. Wikipedia. THE TEN BEST WAYS TO HANDLE SATURN CYCLESNo matter if it’s your Sun Sign (public) horoscope being affected or your private Natal Chart (birth) horoscope being triggered, there are ten proven ways to handle Saturn. One Understand that the people or organisations who cause you the most pain on a Saturn cycle are self- sabotaging.

They are their own worst enemies. They are typically paranoid, pessimistic, or .

They will not last long in your life. Alternatively they will be forced to learn some tough lessons.

This will change them. Depressed people or old man types can arrive now. Two Remember that Saturn is about cowardice. Plain old fear. It is sometimes dressed up as worry. It can occasionally present as paranoia. On the physical (body) level do all you can to stay grounded, centred and connected to the earth.

Lie on the grass more. Don’t smoke the grass, though – it can add to the paranoid atmosphere.

Saturn can make us stiff, frozen, immobilised. Move your body. Dance. Three  What balances Saturn? The cycles of Ops, his wife – and Jupiter, his son. Watch the planets and asteroids as they move through the signs and see what patterns they are making. In your birth chart (if you are a Premium Member) you can look at your Jupiter sign and your Ops sign, to see where the plus factors are for you. Ops and Jupiter both beat Saturn, in the Roman myth.

Counteract Saturn cycles with Jupiter and Ops cycles. Four Try to avoid Saturnstrologers. A Saturnstrologer is an astrologer who puts all their time and energy into thinking about Saturn, at the expense of Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and the rest. They probably don’t use Ops either!

When you hit doom and gloom merchants, professional pessimists and oh- so- serious astrologers, you are probably in the company of someone who looks at a chart and only sees Saturn. Five Saturn is represented by this symbol (above) which clearly shows the hidden scythe in his story. The scythe was used two ways by Saturn. First, he chopped off the penis and testicles of his father, Uranus. Second, he used it to help the Italians discover farming!

Saturn tells you two great truths. In the first part of the cycle you get the pain. In the second part of the cycle (usually the final 1. The scythe. From buycostumes.

Six  The Saturn Return is famous and even people who do not know about astrology have heard of it. It occurs between the ages of 2. We all have a Saturn Return which triggers the one thing we cannot avoid or escape about ourselves and our lives. I Was Dating A Bisexual here.

That’s hard. Yet, by facing our fear, we manage it. Hispanic Mail Order Brides. Seven The golden rule with a Saturn cycle is to be really mindful of the strategy you use to cope with what worries you, or scares you, or confronts you. Do not run away (it will not work).

Do not freeze and do nothing (that won’t work either). There are even sillier things we do to protect ourselves and feel safe, on a Saturn cycle. Ironically these can end up causing us more problems than the thing we’re trying to avoid! Be aware. Eight Time heals Saturn experiences.

If you have your personal birth chart, then look at your Saturn sign and house. This shows where you will typically have a couple of really hard, heavy life experiences that (at the time) seem as if they will never heal.

They always do, because Saturn is all about time. In fact he is sometimes shown as Father Time, and often portrayed on clocks.

As the years pass, the wound heals completely. Nine Read widely about Saturn when you hit Saturn transits, or there are difficult transits to your natal Saturn. Liz Greene, the astrologer, academic and author, wrote a famous book called Saturn – A New Look at an Old Devil. It also helps to hit internet forums and find out what others are experiencing. Sharing and comparing notes is a very good way to handle Saturn. Ten The standard advice for any Saturn cycle is to seek out older, wiser and more experienced people and ask for their counsel. This is something astrologers have been saying for decades, for the very good reason that it is true.

They have been through Saturn experiences too – they know what to do! The other trick is to get all the knowledge on board early. Do this before Saturn goes to Capricorn in December 2. Are You a Premium Member? If you are a Premium Member, you may have Saturn directly affecting your personal birth chart as he travels through the sign of Sagittarius. This is more likely if you have horoscope factors in Gemini or Sagittarius. You can ask me questions in Comments.

Your chart pops up when I see your message and I can look at specific details for  you. If this story has personally affected you, these are recommended online resources for you. Hope and Help For Your Nerves – Dr. Claire Weekes Audible Free Downloadhttp: //www.

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