Russian Mail Order Brides - Hot Russian Women for Marriage. Why Do So Many Russian Women Sign Up With Mail Order Bride Sites? For years, there was a real stigma attached to the idea of either being a mail order bride, or being a western guy looking for a Russian woman to marry. People treated it as though the man was effectively buying a Russian woman to do nothing more than start a family, take care of his kids, and whatever sexual needs he might have. Despite what you read in the media it has nothing to do with them becoming a sex slave, or being sold into the white slave trade by some unscrupulous dating agency.
There's an ongoing feminist uproar in the United States at the moment about just about everything, but Russian mail order brides get coverage too. If feminists actually looked at why Russian women decide to meet, date and marry foreign men they might have very different opinions on exactly why this type of arranged marriage is so popular. Russian women are absolutely no different to most women from any other corner of the planet - they want to meet a guy, fall in love, and have a family. They’re just girls looking for men to build a future with. The problem is they face far more serious challenges in achieving this goal than women in the west could possibly imagine.
Even the idea of meeting a single, suitable male in the first place is very difficult for a number of reasons, which we cover later in this article. It’s A Numbers Game.
The simple truth is that Russian women simply want to find somebody to love, and they're forced to look overseas to make that happen. The idea of true romantic love isn't something they'll have an easy time finding at home because there are, for example, far more single women in Russia than single men - to the tune of 4 million more available women in the country than there are men to date them.
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This situation is made very much worse by the fact that the handful of Russian males actually worth dating are leaving Russia in the hundreds of thousands. In fact, there's been an exodus of almost 2 million eligible bachelors in the last few years alone.
This isn't just creating a dating crisis, with an adverse effect on population growth and sustainability, it's also creating an intense skills problem. There are simply better opportunities for these men in the west, as well as more social freedom and a relatively independent media, for now. From an employment point of view Russian women get paid up to 5. Even the most intelligent and capable woman will have a very hard time working her way up the corporate ladder in her home country. The west, in comparison, is the land of opportunity for them, because there are no limits to what a woman can aspire to achieve. This is reinforced by the number of very successful female Russian entrepreneurs in the United States, acting as a beacon of hope to future immigrants. Location and Relocation.
Russian women are curious and adventurous by nature, and want to see as much of the world as possible. It's not that they don't love their homeland, but they have an adventurous spirit, and welcome the challenge of relocating to another country - they're literally fearless. Russia is a vast and often beautiful country, but it pales in comparison to the adventure offered by a life in the United States, Canada or Australia, for example. Another key reason for so many Russian girls signing up to these sites is they see and hear of success stories, online and from friends who share the positive results possible when you date and marry a foreign man. Instead of having to tolerate a life they don't enjoy, these happily married mail order brides are living a life their friends can barely imagine. To Be Equal. These women want nothing more than to be treated as an equal in their marriage, and for it to be a true partnership.
Unfortunately for them the stereotypical Russian guy isn't interested in that, and expects his wife or girlfriend to be nothing more than his obedient housewife, and to fulfill his sexual needs when he's sober enough to want sex. Russian men also have a reputation for being habitual cheaters - infidelity is something they expect to get away with, and without their wife or girlfriend questioning why they're sleeping with other women. So, where an American or Australian guy might have a psychological meltdown for even thinking about cheating on their girlfriend, their Russian counterpart will quite happily cheat on their girlfriends while they're at the same party or in the same club. You have to witness it to believe it, but it genuinely does happen all the time. And then women won’t risk causing an argument about cheating because the end result is usually domestic violence, and watching their boyfriend/husband walk away without getting imprisoned. Lifespan Matters.
Another huge consideration for why Russian women look overseas for love is that men in their country don't live very long. The reasons for this will become obvious later in this article, but the shocking fact is that the average Russian male isn't expected to live past the age of 6. Russian girls are fully aware that the average American or European male will live to around 8.
Texarkana, Texas and Arkansas newspaper. Includes news, sports, opinion, and local information. All you want to know about Russian women seeking marriage to Western men. Q&A compiled by an ex-mail order bride. Women of color live in the dangerous intersections of sexism, racism and other oppressions. Within the mainstream anti-violence movement in the U.S., women of color. Filipino women and sexual violence: speaking out and providing services dee dicen hunt and cora sta.
It might sound harsh, but no woman wants to marry a guy who's going to die fifteen years before she does, leaving her without any form of personal or financial support, and with a family of children to raise. Loyalty is all well and good, but never expect a Russian girl to be stupid enough to back a sick horse.
Spinster Syndrome. The dating game in Russia is also very similar to what happens in China and Japan in that if you're not married by the time you're 3. Why? Because single thirty- something women are basically considered to be spinsters – they’re “on the shelf” for the rest of their lives. This problem is magnified even more if the woman already has children, which they often do in the Russian Federation. The country has the highest number of single mothers anywhere in the developed world, and Russian men treat single mothers like plague monkeys. Western men, on the other hand, have no issue with dating a single mom, even if she is from another country, often looking at the kids as a bonus because it's a . In western countries, for the most part, women can consider themselves to be safe in public places, and especially at home.
Domestic violence is frowned upon, and is punishable by long prison sentences for convicted offenders. Russia is a different kettle of fish in this regard because domestic violence is simply part of life for 9. Not only that but the law was changed recently to almost decriminalize domestic violence.
A man now literally has to break his wife's arms or legs before he'll face a prison sentence, and even then his time in prison will amount to no more than 2. If you don't think domestic violence in Russia can possibly be that bad, then you might want to take a deep breath before you read this: Over 1. Russian women die in incidents of domestic violence each year. That's equivalent to the population of a small town being murdered each year, but nobody being prosecuted for the crime. This is a disgusting development for women's rights in Russia, but domestic violence has been a fact of life for most Russian women now for as long as anyone remembers. Emigrating women realize that they're simply safer in a foreign country, often having far more rights and protection than they ever will in their country of birth. So, as you can see, Russian women have dozens of valid reasons for signing up to online dating sites, or using marriage agencies to meet guys from other countries.
They understand there’s no guarantee they'll have a better life in the US, Canada or the UK, but the odds are far more in their favor for that to be the case than if they remain in their home country. Russian Mail Order Brides Today Russian had enjoyed an economic boom right up to about 2. Russian Federation. In the early days of the New Millennium there was a short period when Eastern European women weren’t investing as much effort in meeting foreign men as before; they just weren’t as interested as they had been in the past. This was as a result of improved economic conditions in Russia for many people, but the good times came to an end. A decade of prosperity isn't enough for anyone to want to endure a lifetime of economic hardship, so Russian women are voting with their feet again and looking to other countries for a better life. This has meant a dramatic increase in the numbers of attractive, single Russian women using online dating.
But have things in Russian really gotten that bad? The Economy. The Russian Federation has been in an economic tailspin now for almost ten years. What money is available is being spent on their military, plus crashing oil and natural gas prices means there's even less cash to go around than in quite some time. This means a new generation of Russian women are growing up in conditions that are below the poverty line, the same poverty line that exists for almost 2. Russian citizens. Millions of Russian citizens are now experiencing the .
You need to pay careful attention when even the wealthiest people are making their escape plans. Job opportunities are also few and far between, despite the fact many Russian women are well educated, even by Western standards. Basically, the economic prospects of the Russian Federation are far from predictable, encouraging even more of their young women to look for love in foreign countries.
The Dating Pool. Several decades of warfare has reduced the pool of available and desirable Russian men to figures so small you'd need a magnifying glass to check them. In addition to this a large proportion number of Russian men have chronic alcohol and/or substance addiction problems, which means they're far from being suitable boyfriends or husbands. For the women who do marry alcoholics or junkies they can look forward to a very short, and very violent marriage, finally being left to raise their children alone.