Speed Dating Ipswich

Speed Dating Ipswich

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Ipswich Genealogy Resources & Parish Registers. Direct link to this description. IPSWICH is a seaport, municipal, parliamentary and county borough and the capital of East Suffolk, situated principally upon an easy acclivity rising from the north side of a semicircular reach of the river Orwell, about 1. Suffolk, as well as its chief port, and for parliamentary purposes is now a polling place and place of election for the South Eastern division of the county; it is also the head of a union, county court district and rural deanery, in Woodbridge petty sessional division, and is in the rural deanery of Ipswich, archdeaconry of Suffolk and diocese of Norwich, with a station on the Great Eastern railway, and is 6.

London, 3. 9 from Chelmsford, 1. Colchester, 1. 9 . A branch railway has been opened to Felixstowe, with a station at Derby road, east of the town, and a junction at Westerfield station, on the north, thus britiging Ipswich into easy connection with that favourite bathing- place.

Speed Dating Ipswich

The river Orwell takes a south- easterly course from Ipswich and flows into the German Ocean between the borough of Harwich on the south and Landguard Fort upon the north. The scenery along the river banks, lined on either side by the grounds and parks attached to the seats of the local gentry, is exceedingly beautiful, especially when the whole width of the river bed, at some points half a mile wide, is completely covered by the tide: steamboats ply daily between Ipswich, Felixstowe and Harwich (winter and summer services). At the most northerly point of the reach the river is crossed by an iron bridge, erected in 1. Stoke: above this bridge the river is called the Gipping, the channel taking a north- westerly direction as far as Stowmarket, to which place it is navigable by barges.

Until the commencement of the present century the conservancy of the river remained in the hands of the Corporation of Ipswich, who, although they levied coal, salt, anchorage and groundage dues, so neglected it that the navigation of the upper reaches had become intricate and well nigh impossible. The merchants, dissatisfied with this state of things, in 1. Act vesting the conservancy in a Public River Commission. This Act authorized the borrowing of .

The dock, completed in 1. Mr. Admission to the dock from this side channel is by an entrance lock 1. The scheme included a new Paving and Lighting Act for the town, the Paving Commissioners being anxious to hand over to the Dock Commissioners dues hitherto levied by them upon all coal brought within the town, but which they had found considerable trouble in securing.

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In return for this duty the Dock Commissioners had to discharge the bonded debt of the Paving Commissioners and to pay the expenses of both Acts of Parliament. Under the Ipswich Dock Act of 1. Acts, . In 1. 85. In 1. 87. 7 the change of trade from the old class of sailing vessels to large steam ships of great length and narrow beam, rendered the first lock entrance insufficient, and the- commissioners accordingly obtained powers to construct a new lock entrance and public warehouses and other works, and to raise an additional sum of .

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The first portion of the work, the new lock entrance and public warehouse accommodation, were completed at a cost of . Andrew’s, or Polleshead Sands, outside Harwich harbour, and Admiralty jurisdiction was conferred by the charter of 3rd Edward IV. This was ratified by a charter of 1. Henry VIII. With regard to the countries from which foreign imports come, they are principally from Russia, Norway and Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Belgium, America, France and Spain, Cyprus, Egypt, Morocco, also from the Channel Islands. During 1. 89. 8, 2 British vessels, representing 9. British, 3,1. 97 tons and 1.

Foreign of 4,4. 28 tonnage. The statistics of the coasting trade show that in 1.

The coasting trade outwards employed 1,1. Of vessels outward bound in ballast there were 2.

The number of vessels registered at the port under part 1 of the “Merchant Shipping Act, 1. December 3. 1st, 1. The number of fishing boats registered under the Part IV. The streets of the town are mostly ancient, but great improvements in their appearance have been made in recent times, especially to the east; but the best modern houses are found along and in the neighbourhood of the Henley road, on the rising ground to the north, and on the Belstead road, which traverses a corresponding ridge on the south side of the town: half a century ago the population was little more than one- fourth of what it is at present; the streets are lighted with gas, by a company formed in 1. St. Clement’s, at a cost of . The town is well supplied with excellent spring water from an artesian well and other sources. A high- level reservoir was constructed from the designs of Mr.

Thomas Miller C. E. The reservoir is 1. Peter Bruff C. E. Matthew’s streets and along Norwich road as far as Brook’s hall, and a line was opened in 1. Cornhill to the Derby Road station of the Felixstowe railway, in the district of St. John's or California: the system employed is that known as “Kerr's. Money was coined here as early as 9.

A. D. The inhabitants purchased their freedom from Richard I, and obtained their first charter from King John. The Corporation, acting also as the Urban Sanitary Authority, now consists of a mayor, ten aldermen and thirty town councillors. The town is divided into five wards: -St. Clemenrt’s Ward, St. Margaret’s Ward, Middle Ward, Bridge Ward and Westgate Ward; each ward returning six councillors for three years, two going out of office every year. The borough has a Commission of the Peace and a separate court of Quarter Sessions, and returns two members to Parliament, the municipal and parliamentary boroughs being co- extensive: under the “Local Government Act, 1. Vict. 4. 1), the town was declared a “county borough” for certain purposes of that Act.

The church of St. Clement is a good building of flint, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, very much spoiled by additions and alterations, a defect remedied to a certain extent during 1. Decorated and partly Perpendicular, 7.

Maidden’s bell: ” a carillon machine, playing seven tunes on the existing six bells, and a public dock, were placed in the tower as a memorial to the late J. Cobbold esq. 1. 67. Services Personals Online Dating.

John Ward, d. 1. 66. Rev. George Routh, a former rector, d. William Cooke, d, 1. Hales, 1. 76. 0, and in the north aisle to the families of Taafe, 1. Hague, 1. 76. 2, and Strahan, 1. English oak, the chancel repaired with white marble, new pulpit erected and heating apparatus fixed: in 1.

The register dates from the year 1. This benefice is a rectory, consolidated until 1. 100 Free Dating For Fat People. St. Helen, net yearly income .

John Powell, of St. Alban Hall, Oxford, chaplain of H. M. Prison, Ipswich. St. Helen’s is a small and now uninteresting church of flint, repeated restorations and additions having left scarcely anything whatever of the original fabric, yet it once had the reputation of bearing marks of greater antiquity than any other church in the town: it is first mentioned 9 Henry VIII. Mary Magdalene and its revenues were annexed to the rectory: the church consists of a chancel, disproportionately wide nave and transepts, added in 1.

Latin invocation to the Virgin, and the other cast in 1. Perpendicular character was placed in 1. Charles Deane, by his widow: the material of the church is chiefly flint, with stone dressings, but some portions are of modern brick: the nave windows, of three lights, are good Perpendicular: the roof has moulded tie- beams, with carved bosses at the intersection of the rafters, and there is a spacious south porch, on the front of which remains an old sun- dial: in the church are a few monuments of interest, and among these appear the names of Dunkon, 1. Hingeston, 1. 76. Canning, 1. 72. 6—7. Phfilipson, 1. 79. Parish, 1. 75. 3—9.

Richmond, 1. 67. 7, and Wallace, 1. Rev. Sir Hadley D’Oyly bart.

Norman family, and lords of Olgii or Oyly, in Normandy, long before the time of the Conquest: there are 6. The register dates from the year 1. The living is a rectory, separated from St. Clement’s in 1. 87.

Edwin Oakley MA. Lawrence’s is a lofty Perpendicular church of flint and brick, consisting of chancel, nave, west porch and a lofty western embattled tower 9. Old English characters, with floriated capitals: John Bottold, who died 1. John Baldwin, draper, who built the chancel, and left his name in the stone work under the east window; he died in 1. Perpendicular windows, with embattled transoms, and has a fairly good modern timber roof: the chancel roof is modern and plain to ugliness: the east window has rather singular tracery, the heads of the centre and two outside lights being Decorated and the other two quite of Perpendicular date; this window was some time since filled with stained glass by the late Mr. Frederick Fish, of this parish, mayor in 1. Rev. John Cobbold Aldrich MA.

Frederick Barnes F. R. I. BA, and Mr. Howard Gaye: there are 3. The register dates from the year 1. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value . William Joseph Frazer Whelan D. D. Margaret’s church, standing on the north side of the green to which it gives its name, is a large and ancient structure of flint and stone, in mixed styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, transepts, south porch and a fine western embattled tower, with pinnacles at the angles, and containing a clock and 8 bells, 2 having been added in 1.

Miles Graye, and date variously from 1. Trinity, or Christ church, when this building, supposed to have been previously the parish church, was attached to the priory of Holy Trinity, some trifling remains of which still exist in the adjoining park. Trinity church stood near the present churchyard, and is mentioned in Domesday as being endowed, in the Conqueror's time, with 2. The church of St.

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