Statistic Reasearch Of Online Dating

Statistic Reasearch Of Online Dating

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The Rise of Radical Korean Feminist Community, Megalia. Recently, a radical feminist online community .

They have been trying to expand their influence through organized efforts online and also present themselves as a legitimate feminist group in real life, suppressing their online extremes. The following is an example of one of the most highly up- voted posts in Megalia. This post received 8. From Megalia: Male- dominant sites’ responses to Megalia that I’ve seen.“Megalians don’t seem to have any desire to co- exist with Korean men.”“Megalians do not care about their own country even one bit.”“Megalians are all crazy bitches.”“This is the first time I felt deep grudges from a website.”“Those bitches’ feelings towards men show murderous intent beyond animosity.”“Megalians only think about women’s happiness.”“Megalians blame men when innocent women receive misogyny. They also blame men when innocent men receive misandry for not fighting back for women.”“Megalia is not even a humor site.

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Statistic Reasearch Of Online Dating

It is an essence of grudges.”“Megalians do not want to compromise with men. They just want to kill men.”“Megalians have no desire to marry or date men around them.”“Megalians consider men as their wallets or slaves.”“Megalians’ ultimage goal is to turn men into livestock.”“Megalians even call their own dads fucking kimchi men.”They are all right about us. There is just no need to refute them. So why did you not crawl in front of women before these crazy bitches appear, you inferior dicks? International group Reporters Without Borders even classified Korea as an enemy of the internet.“The nation of South Korea is a world leader in Internet and broadband penetration, but its citizens do not have access to free and unfiltered Internet.”The Ministry of Women and KCSC . But why do they not ban a nuclear waste site like Megalia?

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Statistic Reasearch Of Online Dating

If you read their website, it is more disgusting than any porn site and harmful for the mental health of teens. These are some typical posts on Megalia. From Megalia: . They just hate that foreigners used Korean women who should’ve been raped only by Korean men. When police chief Kim Gang- ja rescued 1.

Miari, Korean man bugs complained that a cheap brothel disappeared. From Megalia: ? Isn’t it mostly fucking kimchi men who commit sexual crimes or sexually discriminate? We should make them go extinct. Pictures of severed male genitals are shared on Megalia. Doesn’t this tell you that the true intention of the Ministry of Women’s ban on internet porn is not to protect teenagers but to oppress Korean men’s sexual freedom? Best Answer: I am a child of a female activist who devoted her entire life to gender equality.

I also belong to social activist circles. I write this post regarding the current situation where some group’s extreme propaganda is brutally destroying Korea’s feminism that has advanced thanks to the sacrifices of many people. Please listen, Megalians. You are inflicting indiscriminate violence under the slogan “Until the day misogyny disappears” that may sound legitimate.

However, for most citizens who were not even familiar with the word . Your claim that misogyny is prevalent in society definitely has some truth. It is true that unreasonable statements have become prevalent on male dominant websites such as Ilbe.

But what about female dominant or female exclusive communities? Look at Women’s Generation with 6. Their problems that used to be completely concealed under the surface have been revealed. Dating Kuala Lumpur here.

Misandry, misogyny, sexual harassment, pornography, copyright infringement, smuggling, selling drugs, etc. Attention to female idols’ chests is sexist but male idols’ shirt- ripping is just an acceptable sexy act? You point out the gender wage gap in Korea is 1. OECD member states.

But did you know that the Korean male suicide rate is the highest among the OECD (2. Korean female suicide rate) and the suicide rate for Korean men in their 4. Why does this phenomenon occur?

Have you ever thought about the unfair burden Korean men have to take on as much as you thought about discrimination against Korean women? Forced gender roles inflict pain for all parties involved. I am not saying we should talk about who is more disadvantaged. Most of you guys grew up in the 8. There is lingering sexism. But in terms of dating, social life, entertainment, culture, or daily life overall, Korea today is a place where you cannot clearly say only one gender is discriminated against. In 2. 01. 5, 7. 5% of female students and 6.

The highest leadership position in the country is taken by a female. Is Korea truly such a country where women are severely discriminated against as you depict? You guys keep claiming that nobody paid attention to misogyny for the past 1. Do you think people can have a normal social life if they reveal they are users of Ilbe or Soranet ? Check the entry for Ilbe on Namu Wiki which you call a dick- sucking site. Check the incident part. So many incidents caused by them have been archived.

Ilbe is already treated like a trash can. Soranet has survived only because they kept changing their URL and have servers outside Korea. But you may think otherwise. However, you seem to think your own ideology gives you an absolute right to stand above the constitution that protects anyone from violence and coercion. Let’s say there is a person who has a huge scar on her face. It hurt so much and she hates when people look down on her.

She hates the society that doesn’t acknowledge her pain. So she made a group with people who have similar scars and cut random people’s faces. And then she says, looking at the dripping blood. You should feel the pain just like I did. Now you know how much I had to suffer.” Then the victim shouts, “It hurts!

Why are you doing this to me?!” She says, “I know but what were you doing when we got hurt? You share the blame, too.

In order to achieve our goal, I want you to endure it.”Serial killer Yoo Young- cheol who killed women with an excuse that he wanted to give a warning to misbehaving women after satisfying his sexual greed. This is the true face of Megalia.

They laugh at pictures of severed male genitals and say male babies should be ground to death as soon as they are born. They even call their own dads “sperm provider bug” or “dad bug”.

Where is the noble value of social activism in this? Indiscriminate violence that targets most innocent people who did not cause the problems in a strong belief that they are only doing the right thing. Ironically, you Megalians commit the worst discrimination against women. If a woman disagrees with you guys, you call them honorary dicks or dick- sucking bitches, which is even hard to say with a straight face. Your site already experienced divisions, which led to creation of the website “Just Between Us Pussies”. You label most women as “corset girls” or “chastity belt girls” who should be enlightened by you.

The most despicable thing is that in order to help spread your ideas and propaganda, you use sexual assault cases as your weapon, which inflicts indirect violence on real victims of sexual crimes. Women’s Generation’s sexual assault fabrication incident, K university’s female student committee’s fabrication about rape by a professor, S university’s sex crime committee incident, etc.) When you are faced with male victims, you justify your actions with the excuse that it is okay because you are socially vulnerable women.“We should be honest, courteous, loyal and compassionate towards our own people. But we do not need to be this way towards other people.” – Heinrich Luitpold Himmler, Nazi SS chief and culprit for the genocide of the Jewish people. You lay down a smokescreen with a legitimate slogan that you just hate misogyny, while you set up the banner of female superiority calling men inferior animals. Then you purged internal dissenters first.“The easiest way to rule over rationality is using fear and might.” – Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader. You completely shut down internal criticism using violence.“Anger and hatred are the strongest power that fuels the crowd’s enthusiasm.” – Paul Joseph Goebbels, Nazi chief propagandist. Sensational factoids your leaders created.

Propaganda that keeps anger and hatred afloat. Indiscriminate violence you guys wield as a group. This is exactly in line with Nazi ideology. Nazism that was fanned by a victim complex after the World War 1. Radical feminism in Korea that used to keep a low profile. Femi + nazi. This is exactly the kind of feminism Megalians promote.

Many internet links and citations in the original article are not shown here. More controversies and surrounding arguments will be covered later.

From Namu Wiki – Megalia: 1. Overview. Korean internet’s ISIL that suddenly emerged in 2.

The one and only website in the world that is completely dedicated to hating the opposite gender where the administrator herself promotes misandry and public opinion manipulation. Megalia was created on August 6th in 2. DC Inside’s MERS gallery. They argue that they promote misandry as a countermeasure against misogyny. However, posts on the website cannot justify such a cause. This name was widely used through a Facebook page they were running before they created their own website. Initially, they also used the name “Megalia’s Daughters” but due to the opinion that it is sexist, they chose Megalian.

They use both Megalia and Megalian to refer to their website. Contrary to the fiction writer and human rights activist Gerd Mjoen Brantenberg’s belief, Megalians hate male homosexuals, too. Logo. A unique hand sign is drawn inside a green laurel wreath. Megalia officially claims the hand sign means equality (=) for gender. However, in practice, it is used to belittle Korean men’s genitals. The sign “6. 9 warning” is put on any reported post on their website, meaning it must have been written by a man.

They often imply 6. Korean men’s average erect length, although it was a flaccid length in Professor Son Hwan- chul’s journal. Also, this is the journal that was incorrectly cited for the average erect length for many years.

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