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Teen dating? What's up with that?!? Before you begin this study on teen dating..

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I want to make sure you undestand how I set this thing up. You shouldn't read this all at the same time.

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But I wouldn't read the whole study at the same time. It's a monster! I just put them in one big paragraph. And I used the King James Version. If you have a hard time. Bible for clarity if you. Or.. you can use the Bible online.

It seems every day another horrific event occurs. We certainly see that in regard to severe weather.

It seems the media loves to follow major flooding, snow storms and hurricanes as if death and destruction were the coolest thing around! But we have to understand one thing. No matter how troubling those stories are, we know God is in control of nature. Storms are a part of life and teach us two very valuable lessons.. No doubt about that.

That storm doesn't have wind, rain or lightning. But this storm is as real and destructive as any of those we talked about above. A flurry of other books dealing with teen dating came out a short time later. Or is this extreme? God doesn't look down on relationships that honor and glorify Him.

So.. dating, if done to God's satisfaction, can be a relationship that not only honors God but also helps you draw close to Him through the person you're dating. No book, TV show or magazine will give you the truth regarding teen dating. The best and only place to go for good advice about teen dating is the Truth found in the Bible, the Word of God.

But there are definitely relationship principles in the Bible that can help us figure out what's right and wrong in this messed up world. In the next few days.. Hang in there with me!). Let me just share this little bit of advice with you again..

I Corinthians 1. 0: 3. Only doing what God tells us.. Bible.. will glorify Him. And He expects us to obey! But the point is.. Read His word to find out what He wants!

But relationship principles are. I know.. I know! All this sounds really serious.

It sounds like I'm talking about marriage. Well.. why not? The way you do things now in your dating relationship will influence the way you react to the one you marry.

God's Word clearly tells us to stay away from close relationships with unbelievers. II Corinthians 6: 1. And what concord hath Christ with Belial? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. No.. this isn't just talking about marriage. In fact the passage doesn't say anything at all about marriage.

It does talk about relationships though.. He even tells us we're as close as Father and child in our relationship (v. With the unsaved it's different. We're as different from them spiritually as light is from darkness or as Christ is from Satan (Belial vv. The point is.. we have nothing in common spiritually with unbelievers.

Our relationships are built on the love of God. East European Mail Order Brides here. An unsaved person can't understand that. So God doesn't want us to form close relationships with the unsaved.. Date only Christians. Day Three.. But in economics (I know, yuck! Stick with me.) these words carry the idea that government isn't to interfere in places it doesn't belong.

It means the government keeps it's hands to itself when it comes to certain rights that people have. I think you know where I'm going with this.. I try not to wonder what they do when nobody's looking!!! It sure does.. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

You're probably thinking..! This is talking to married people! That could be talking to married people. But think about it this way.. Some day he or she may become someone else's husband or wife.

That means you're having close physical contact with someone else's husband or wife! Let me tell you what this doesn't mean.. Casual contact and a helping hand are still allowed. But this is where it gets a little fuzzy. Let me explain further.. That's not the kind of fire Paul is talking about here.

In fact anything that starts that ! The world has no problem starting . We're children of God.

This includes teen dating. When I say KISS I'm using an acronym.

An acronym is taking the first letter of each word in a phrase and making another word out of it. If you can remember what the new word is, you can remember what the first letter of each word in the phrase is. Dating shouldn't mean .

We talked a little about that in Day Three. You're young. You don't need the problems of a close relationship right now. Hurrying things won't help your dating relationship. In fact, it may harm it.

Don't get sloppy in your dating relationship by going too fast. You've got plenty of time. But going too fast certainly will. Don't forget what Proverbs 1. Enjoy yourself. And keep you're most serious feelings for that person who is worthy of them..

Day Five.. Don't date a loser! Adult Russian Dating Sites. Sure.. this sounds harsh.

And I can't say it's a direct quotation from the Bible. But I will tell you there are a few verses in there that come very close to saying that about teen dating! Let's look at a few that will help us untangle this teen dating thing.. In I Corinthians 1. Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. Another way to put it would be..

That's extreme and not what the Bible teaches. We're to win them to Christ. How can we do that if we don't talk to them? Hanging around with bad company will harm us spiritually. And it seems to have the worst consequences in teen dating relationships. The teen dating story goes something like this.. Teen starts dating girl/guy of questionable character.

Teen is confronted by the spiritual leader in his/her life (such as pastor, youth group leader.. Teen becomes defensive. Teen declares he/she can . It's all downhill from there!

But rememer the verse above.. I'm not saying it didn't once in a while.. I just don't remember it ever working out.

In fact, it normally caused that person a lot of problems. The bad influences you allow in your life will form you into who you are more than any good influences you try to use to counter the bad. If you're a guy..

Christian girl who you know has God's will in view. If you're a girl.. Christian leadership skills in their lives.

It doesn't matter what kind of figure or how athletic they might be. If their character is flawed, they're spiritually ugly and weak.

That counts more than outward appearance in relationships.. You're only deceiving yourself if you do anything else. Day Six..(Gasp! Should I say it!) Listen to your parents!

There! And they were teenagers in teen dating relationships at one time. Sure it was in a different time.. The fact is.. they know more than you think.

And they know more than you.. Ephesians 6: 2 says.. Don't get me wrong.. Verse two isn't just for children..

We find what Paul is talking about in Exodus 2. It's almost the same.. Paul talks about in verse three in Ephesians. And it's quite clear in Exodus that God is talking to all people.. Here it is one more time.. It means respect.

No matter where you are in life.. This is especially true while you're living with them and obeying them as well. I'm glad you asked.. They even know a lot more than you do no matter what you think.

That doesn't mean they'll always be right.. God. He's put your parents where they are as your.. So.. honor them by.. That's God's gift to you.

What you do with the life God has given you.. Him. Your master.. Christ. You need to listen to His voice in all walks of life.. Psalm 1. 19: 9 says.. The best way to keep it right is to live the Word of God.. Bible you need to know the Bible..

Bible you need to study it. Read it.. study it every day. It's your spiritual meals that keep your soul alive. Don't feed your soul only once or twice a week at church.. Click here to find more lessons! Tired of teen dating? Click here for the homepage.

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